Pepper Chicken Masala


  1. Chicken - 1 kg (Medium size cleaned)
  2. Onion - 2 (Chopped lengthwise)
  3. Tomato - 1 (Finely chopped)
  4. Ginger garlic paste - 2 tbsp (Semi fined paste)
  5. Turmeric  Powder - 1 tbsp
  6. Aravai Pepper Chicken  Masala - 50 gms
  7. Green chilli - 2
  8. Curry leaves - Few
  9. Mint Leaves - Few
  10. Oil - 2 tbsp
  11. Salt - to taste

To Temper:

  1. Oil - 2 tbsp
  2. Cinnamon - a small piece
  3. Clove - 2


  1. Clean the boneless Chicken and cut them lengthwise .Marinate the chicken pieces with turmeric powder in a pressure cooker and cook until it is half cooked (8-10) minutes. Once the pressure releases set aside.
  2. Heat the pan and add the oil. Add the clove, cinnamon  and curry leaves. When they begin to sizzle , add the chopped onions and ginger garlic paste. Saute it well until it turns golden brown and  the raw smell leaves.
  3. Next go with the chopped tomato. Saute it until it turns mushy. Then add green chilli and Aravai pepper chicken masala .Give a toss until it attains a dry gravy consistency. Add the half cooked chicken ,close the pan and leave it for about 10 minutes in a medium flame. 
  4. Garnish the raita with mint leaves , onion slice and lemon slice . Now serve hot the yummy pepper chicken.


  1. Dont add replica horloges water since the chicken let out lot of moisture which is enough to cook.
  2. Those who prefer Pepper chicken curry add some little water audemars piguet replica and coconut milk to attain its consistency.

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