Fish Curry Masala


  1. 1/2 kg clean  fish pieces
  2. Big Onions - 1(chopped)
  3. Green chillies - 2
  4. Tomato - 1
  5. Salt - to taste
  6. Curry leaves - few
  7. Coriander leaves  - few
  8. Aravai Fish curry masal - 20 gms
  9. Coconut paste - 1/2  cup
  10. Tamarind pulp

To Temper:

  1. Oil - 2 tbsp
  2. Mustard - few
  3. Fenugreek - few


  1. Take the 1/2 kg fish pieces and clean it well.
  2. In a pan fry mustard and fenugreek in edible oil . 
  3. Then saute chopped onion, 2 green chilies, chopped tomato, Salt and curry leaves. 
  4. Add 20g Aravai Fish Curry Masala, along with necessary tamarind pulp, 1/2 cup of  coconut paste, salt to taste and water. Boil this mixture until the raw smell goes. 
  5. Add fish pieces and boil for 5 more minutes. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves. Now tasty Fish Curry is ready to serve.  

Tips :

  1. Avoid tossing the fish pieces while cooking or else it will break.
  2. Keep medium flame replica blancpain while cooking to attain the taste and to feel the essence in the fish pieces.

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